The Joy of Lent

 My very first Lent at Parkdale, I thought I would be a little clever and write on the church sign, “Lent, it’s not just for belly buttons.” I don’t think anyone got the joke.  When I was a child and I first heard someone speak about Lent, I thought I heard the word lint. Like the lint that collects in one’s belly button after wearing a newer t-shirt. Like the stuff that accumulates in the filter of your clothes dryer. I asked for clarification. Why does the church observe lint? I asked. 

As I have explained on numerous occasions, Lent is a season for the church worldwide. It lasts 46 days, from Ash Wednesday until Easter (40 days plus 6 Sundays). This ancient tradition mirrors the forty days Jesus fasted in the wilderness, preparing for his public ministry. Thus, we are encouraged to give something up for Lent to mimic Jesus's ministry and grow closer to God. 

But Lent is also a season for gratitude and thanksgiving. During Lent, we ponder the fact that God became man. We meditate upon Jesus, who walked, deliberately and literally, from Galilee to Jerusalem so that he might suffer and die to give us the gift of eternal life.  When we think about this, how can we not be grateful? How can we not overflow with thanksgiving?

Gratitude is the fundamental practice for Christians, and what better time than Lent for the believer to gush gratitude about all things good?

Every day of life, every meal we eat, every moment of laughter, the movement of our limbs, the groceries in our kitchen, and ten thousand other good things, each one of them—gifts from God! 

One of my favourite ways of practicing gratitude is using The Examen, a beautiful bedtime prayer that invites us to find God in all the people and events of our day. 

Begin with a pause and a slow, deep breath or two; become aware that you are in the presence of the Holy.

Ask yourself, what am I incredibly grateful for in the past day?

Ask yourself …Where have I felt true joy today?
What has troubled me today?
What has challenged me today?
Have I noticed God's presence in any of this?

In response, offer your gratitude to God. Practicing this daily prayer will help you see all the blessings God has blessed you. 


Rev. Kim


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