Last week, I attended the Chinook Winds Regional Clergy Retreat. Despite my initial lousy attitude, thinking it was just another obligation I didn't have time for, it was an excellent opportunity to rest, reflect, and play. Part of the retreat was to meditate on our calling. Why were called to ministry? Of course, I could tell you right away, as an ordained ministry, that I was called to Word, Sacraments and Pastoral Care. But that is the general call. Why did God call me to be a minister? There is no easy answer. Modern-day ministry doesn't look much like it did 50 years ago. The primary task of a minister 50 years ago was preaching and making congregational visits. Today, ministers are tasked with preaching, pastoral care, administrative duties, visioning, overseeing the building, support committees, finding volunteers, stewardship, church growth and more. The problem is I am not called to all of these tasks. While I am good at budgeting, I am not a firm a...